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Smile.NET |     Technologies used

Smile helps to investigate the financial viability, the operation and the management features of smallholder irrigation schemes, and provides several sustainability indicators. It operates on a case study basis, meaning that it requires data from at least one given scheme. The platform is basically a data capturing, then a calculation tool. Smile first helps developing a database from a given case study, then it allows scenario-testing on any modules and especially about financial viability.
automobil, motor trade magazine |     Technologies used

automobil is the motor trade magazine with the deepest business reach into the South African motor industry. Its aim is to add value for these companies participating in the automobile aftermarket with a strong emphasis on the profitability of automobil readers.
eBond |     Technologies used

eBond provides a single point of access to comprehensive processes and support mechanisms in the home loan process. From a single application all detail is captured saving you time and effort in completing numerous applications for numerous institutes. This detail is secure allocating you, the user, a password only accessible to you! The application caters for your different requirements allowing you to furnish accurate and pertinent information to meet your requirement.
Connect Vision |     Technologies used

Connect Vision is a implementation partner specialising in the area of SAP's New Dimension Products and SMB through Business One to some of Some Africa's Leading organisations.
MBALibrary |     Technologies used

The entire "Easy Business Management Mastery" collection covers the 6 disciplines of business management. And gives you the ability to earn more money, and potentially double or triple the size of your business through proven business principles. The "Easy Business Management Mastery" collection can even POSITION YOU AS THE AUTHORITY on business management in your organization.
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Design Studio:

We work closely with our clients to achieve their goals and we strongly implement the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, which is the overall process of developing information systems through a multistep process from investigation of initial requirements through analysis, design, implementation and maintenance.
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